Friday, August 3, 2012

Doodle Inspired Yay!

Oh my, I just hate that feeling when I sit down wanting to draw something and everything looks like ick.  What's happened to me?  It feels horrible.  Just like that nasty writers block I tend to try to avoid by not writing.  Well, the other day I was paging through a magazine and it hit me.  OMG, how beautiful is that design?  It sparked a design of my own.  Oooh, I'm just in love with black and white, curves and dots, lines that move freely and continuously.  It's pure pleasure to create, and to admire.

I love it when inspiration like that comes to me.  Just love it.


P.S. I'm working on the opening of my Etsy store.  Art will be available for purchase there soon.  I'll keep you posted.

Meanwhile, other news is:  I'm working on the novel and think I'll have it available on Amazon very soon.  I can feel it.  I just have some last minute formatting and extra back pages to finish up.  You'll be the first to hear when it is available to purchase.

Thanks for checking in.



  1. Oooo, I can't wait for your etsy shop to open!

  2. Thanks Dominee. I will let you know as soon as I get the store live. Everything takes me a while. I'm not as tech savvy as you are. Your website looks great. You inspire me.

  3. Looks like you really enjoyed making this! It looks happy!

  4. Virginia, I love love your doodles. I'd like to see more of them. You are an inspiration to me. I really like black and white doodles/drawings. I guess because I am color blind. Imagine that a color blind artist. I do have a blog site at toms If you care to look.


Thanks for your comments. They are appreciated and helpful.